Thursday, May 17, 2007


This shouting.
These noises, in my head.
Loud, and echoing.
Getting louder, and noisier.
You can't hear this.
These horrible noises.
It doesn't sound like this to you.
To you, the sounds leave,
Getting lost in the black hole of distance and seconds.
In my head,
Little grey sounds,
And big black sounds
And sharp- edged white sounds
Clashing, crashing inside my head.

Stop yelling at me.

Each word, each line growin bigger, heavier,
More ominous in my mind.
It makes me angry.
Frustrated and angry.
And that's bad.

The anger comes like a flash.
It wipes everything out.
Cleans the slate.
Everything cracks, everything breaks.
And then, as suddenly, it all freezes over.
In its angry form and distorted shape,
The world freezes over.
Then I am tired.
So tired that the clean slate stays clean.
And everything is grey and weary.
And I am gone.
In the silence and stillness of the peace in my head
I am gone.


Unknown said...

I really like this...I'm not very skilled at poetry so I suppose I'm not the expert...but I still think this grand. Feels like you were able to capture a glimpse of the emotion itself within the phrases!

rhea said...

thank you. i do try. poetry isn't really my thing, either, but i like prose that sounds poetic.