Friday, February 20, 2009

On a book.

That's it ?
What's it?
That's all ?
That's the end?
That's the magnificent end.
I never said it was magnificent.
But you implied it.
No, I said I liked it.
Yes, so..
That isn't the same thing. Anyway, I take it you don't like it ?
No. Is that a surprise?
I don't know. I hadn't thought about it. I just showed it to you.
Without any expectations of what I would say ?
Yes, I think so.
At any rate, I don't like it.
Why not ?
I just don't.
But surely you must have a reason.
I just- I don't like something about it. Perhaps it's the end.
What don't you like about the end ?
It's so abrupt.
It's meant to be. That's the point.
But what's the point ?
It's unenending. A circle of thought. I don't see why you don't like it.
I don't see why you wrote it, so we're quits.
No,I mean, it's a good ending... I liked it.
If you're going to be so sure of your own opinion, don't ask for someone else's.
But your dislike is so unreasonable.
It isn't. I don't understand this book. I don't feel good about it. So I don't like it.
All books are not meant to reassure your self-esteem, I'm afraid.
That's it. I can't... live upto this. I look for something of myself in everything. To identify with.Your book doesn't give me that. It has nothing to do with my self-esteem. Or perhaps it does. You're not very good for it, and neither is your book. I've given my opinion on it. I'm sorry if it doesn't live up to yours.
What on earth are you talking about ?
It doesn't matter.

It did.

A very original book.
Thank you.
I might publish it.
Thank you.
I don't like it.
What ?
Then why would you publish it ?
Because someone might like it.
But that doesn't make sense.
Why ever not ?
It doesn't. You should publish what you like. Or you should have acquired a taste for what you publish. Or for what the people like.
Why ?
That's what all the publishers do.
I'm not an ordinary publisher.
But you're a big and popular one.
Yes. Because I publish something for everybody.
But why ? Surely every publishing company has a... a sort of policy ?
Maybe they do. Diversity is mine. Out is in these days, as in the sixties. And in is in, as in the 90s. And there are period freaks, as there have always been. And children, and romantic girls, and testosterone-filled boys, and conservative women, and dry, factual men. I publish for all of them.
...But... I mean...
Anyway, my policy isn't your business. I know my business, and this will go through. As I said, someone might like it.

Someone didn't.

Why didn't it work ?
They can't say.
They're supposed to know. They're the experts.
People didn't like it.
But why didn't they ?
Because they didn't.
But for what reason ?
They don't need a reason.
Nonsense. Everyone always has a reason. They hardly ever express it, but they always have one. They're just afraid it'll be the wrong one.
I don't think so.
I know it. I've seen a lot of people in my time.
I'm sure you have.
Many kinds of them. And in many ways they're all the same.
No doubt.
So what's the reason ?
They don't have one.

They did.

The book was a disaster.
Yes, it was.
Why ?
They didn't take to it.
Why not ?
I'm not sure. But it bombed.
Yes, but the question is why ? What was wrong with it ?
It seemed to have all the right characteristics for a book of its kind.
What kind was it ?
You didn't read it ?
You did, didn't you ? Why should I have to ?
Well... It was an ideas book.
What sort of ideas ?
Socio-psychological sort of thing.
Speak English.
I'm doing just that. Learn English. You publish books in that language.
I know enough to serve my purpose. Now explain.
Well, it's about psychology of the elements of society, a critique, that sort of thing. Very intellectual.
Pseudo- ?
Seemed genuine enough.
Reviews ?
The best, in other words. So what went wrong.
It's been demonstrated to us, once again, that critics are not normal people.
A very expensive lesson.
Can't believe the genre's dying out, though. What happened to good old sensical social commentary ?
'Sensical' isn't a word. It appears your English isn't exactly the Queen's, either.
It isn't a word, but it will be. It's evolving into one. 37 % more people use 'sensical' than 'vagaries', 'callous' or 'transsubstantiation'.
Is that true ?
Yes. The extinction of social commentary.
I'd better cross it off my list.
mmm...Ballad poetry...Farce... Murder- by Poison... Poetic fantasy... Self-improvement... Ah. Social commentary. No more of that.
You're sure ?
I'd say it looks to be quite conclusively proved.
Perhaps, yes. But I don't like crossing things off.
Well, neither do I. We publish everything, as I extensively explained to the boy.
This boy ?
The expensive author.
[irritatedly] Yes.

It really was. Not to mention sad.

1 comment:

Shalmi said...

you're delivering a bit of social commentary there yourself.

when did you become this dryly clever and witty? it's intimidating.