There are two ways to feel warm when you get out of the shower.
One is to drown yourself in lots and lots of steaming water for a long time, so that when you get out you have enough warmth for the thief, the cold around, and enough warmth left over for yourself.
The other is to douse yourself in freezing water, cold slap-splashing your skin, so that when you get out, even the cold air seems relatively warm.
There are two ways to survive life's knocks too.
I prefer the hot water. But then, I am chicken.
i lock every door when i take a a bath. i don't like thieves.
feels good to know i'm not the only chicken.
but the first way is actually can feel -this shit doesnt matter,ive seen how good it can be, as opposed to a resigned-it could have been worse..
i don't think it's a 'it could've been worse.' more like- this isn't so bad.
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