Saturday, October 13, 2007

Free again

The damned ordeal is over.

I've wandered the place now, my mind free from the desk and chair and monotonous textbooks, a whole pile of them now in the corner of the desk, edgily looking at me as though they don't know what I'll do and looking all tottery.
I'm past caring. I'm also past past caring. I'm currently wondering where that is. Wandering the house barefoot, looking at things, as though I'm just passing through. Right through them and everything, over to the other side. The other side of this fence, which is just the same side of the next fence, only I don't realise it yet, because I can't see the fence. so I keep jumping, like the silly sheep that never helped anyone to sleep, because they get so damned interesting- this one a bit fuzzy, but thin inside- you can tell- and the next one that does a hoppity-skip before taking the leap. And then there's the wondering about whether you should recycle them or make some new ones. And if you decide to recycle them, you can't remember what exactly they looked like before, and so they end up somehow different anyway.They really keep you awake, those damned sheep. I'm a sheep in the Chinese horoscopes, also known as a goat I believe. And the funny thing, the thing that keeps me awake most of all, is what the sheep are thinking. They're not really so silly when you hear that. Sometimes they're thinking what I'm thinking. Then I have a conversation with each one, and I don't ask them why they jump the fence. Such a boring question. I discuss things with them- musical preferences, and parakeets(such a colourful thought...) and whether they think being singular and plural at the same time is funny and silly or not. They're really very interesting, those sleep sheep, and they always leave me wide awake.
I am wide awake. It's just that my thought processes are so random and irregular that it's like being asleep. I wonder which it is more like, waking or sleeping. Not that it matters, though. I can do what I like now. Exams are done.


Shalmi said...

oh them sheep. i always make mine too rotund and then they give me disgruntled looks when i force them to jump. but i understand the feeling.

joey said...

i want some sheep of my own..dont have any,,only a lot of people sheep who dont interest me.