Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The question really, then, is- What happens to the Little Dull Girl who was Good, but not Great enough ?
We've seen the Adventurous Girl go out, have an adventure and then settle down with the nice (old?) man, for a safe- and- sound happily ever after.
Does that mean, then, that the soft, plain girl who likes safety gets the slapdash, unreliable black sheep ? As reward ?
Being good doesn't pay as well as it ought. I've always felt that. Noone says thatnk you for all the times you've been good. And if/ since opposites attract, it seems being good doesn't pay in the long run either.
But the Bible says so too- in that bit that I've never quite agreed to. The part that says that there's more joy in heaven over the one sinner who repents than there is over a hundred men who've been good all along.
I mean, it isn't fair.
It's practically telling you to be bad all you're life, just say you're sorry on your deathbed, and it all works out ok.
As I said, unfair. To all those people who believe Being Good, rather than the Reward, is the point of the exercise. They actually deserve the rewards, and consequently, won't get them.
And so, my little girl, with the small imagination and the big mind and feeling, will be stuck with some horrible bastard whom she'll compensate for till Kingdom come, with no remuneration. Again, unfair.
But... that's the way it is, I guess.
Someone goes wrong, and someone makes amends.
someone cries and someone laughs.
Someone gives up his illusion so that others can keep theirs.
Some live so that others may dream.
Some dream so that others may live better.


Shalmi said...

but then... i guess the logic is that if you're really TRULY good, you won't do good in hopes of getting a reward... rewards are base carrots for donkeys who need material compensation and can't toil simply through the nobility of their souls...

all bollocks i say.

rhea said...

toil all their lives in the nobility of their souls ?