Saturday, January 26, 2008

Republic Day.
Parade is off.
Umbrellas up.
Drainage down.
Moods off-centre.
It was going to have been fun.
Clouds got in the way.
Soft drops
Turned streets
Into a citywide canal.
Picnics off.
People glum.
Just sit at home and watch the parade on Doordarshan.
It isn't raining in Delhi, at least.
Jai hind.
Or something like that.
Can't be patriotic when it's raining and all grey.
Just sleepy.
And cat-lazy.

Delightful day.


joey said...

and in the middle of all this you went to school.

Trish. said...

and it was NEVER going to have been fun.
only an ass like you would've thought that.

rhea said...

i didn't expect the programme to be fun. i'm not insane. just too damned good.

Shalmi said...

I saw Doordarshan too. And skipped. And had khichuri afterwards. And laughed thinking about Peacock walking out in the deluge to hoist the flag while the Guides holding umbrellas over her head got drenched.

Delightful poem by the way.